Monday, 13 June 2011

LT Foundations - Done!

Hi friends,

Friday & Saturday just gone saw the final two sessions of my 2nd year of leadership training at Downham in S. E. London.

We had the wonderful pleasure of Matt Hosier taking us through sexual ethics on Friday & Andrew Ryland explaining Biblical Theology on Saturday.

Having now completed 2 years of study, accompanied with several assignments and having made lots of new friends I can honestly say that LT Foundations has been a real asset to me and my development as an emerging leader.

Mick Taylor who heads up the London training base is a real fatherly figure with a definite Ephesians 4 teaching gift and his assistant, Morne Smit, is a great guy who has helped administrate us into action and keep us to our deadlines and made us aware of all that we should be aware of!

A real bonus was getting an A+ for one of my ministry assignments - A men's discipleship course based on Doctrine by Mark Driscoll & Gerry Breshears. Mick said it was a 'formidable' piece of work and he asked if he could use it in his local setting in Catford - Sweet!

It was the only A+ that Mick has awarded this year so I was personally massively encouraged and it really got me thinking about some of the things I'm currently involved in and some of the things that I feel God has laid on my heart for the future.

As we continue in a season locally of strengthening stakes and within that re-assessing roles and responsibilities I'm of the personal conviction that much good will come as we refine and restructure according to Gods plan for us in our local church and move into developing the gifts that He has given us to encourage each other, reach out to a broken world and to bring glory to His name.

I start LT Advanced in September, it's 3 days a month and has a particular emphasis on preaching and teaching. This is one of the areas that I am keen to develop and it seems there may be increasing opportunities to be involved in this on a more regular basis. Having preached several times now I know it's something that God has called me to do but also recognise that it's an area that I really need to work hard to develop, so getting the feedback of great men like Mick and my peers on the course will be of real benefit in the months to come.

It's difficult to really put into words what God has added onto me over the last 2 years of training, but I would massively encourage any Christian to undertake some form of formal training/education in doctrine and theology. It transforms your walk with God, it adds knowledge, a depth and breadth that can rarely be found from just reading a book or listening to a podcast/mp3.

But for me the real highlight has been the genuine friendships that have developed over the past 2 years, and I look forward to seeing many of these folks over the years to come!

Thank you God for these opportunities to explore the depths of your word and for the great friends you have given me along the way!


Gordon :)

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